Monday 13 February 2012

10 Months after Uni, 3 Months after Graduation

Another day, another blog, another chance to vent what is on my mind to anybody that happens to be reading this.

My name is Andrew, Andy for short, and Zomboy to my friends. Like many others my age, I am a University Graduate with no job, or little chance of finding a job within the industry I spent 3 years studying for.

I finished University around 10 months ago, and officially graduated in November of 2011, after studying Journalism at Southampton Solent University.

I studied hard, and had many sleepless nights getting my work done for deadline. I graduated with a 2:1 (Second Class, First Division) and specialised in Feature Writing, PR & Media Communications, and New Media.

I am jobless. Unemployed. Barely surviving on benefits.

Believe me, I don't want to be jobless right now...I got married to my fiance of 3 years in September of 2011 and we moved in together, I have spent the past 10 months searching for jobs anywhere I could find them.

I have applied for cleaning positions, sales positions, managerial positions, and the obvious positions of editorial roles within newspapers and magazines. I currently volunteer for 2 websites effectively running their online communities and helping generate content and activity, all in the name of gaining experience for my CV.

I have only been able to get 1 interview in this new year, and that was for a poorly paid cleaning position. I didn't get the job.

I am either over qualified, or under-experienced, and I know I am most definitely not alone.

Of my friends from university, I know of only 2 that work in the Journalism industry. One as an intern, the other as a part-time freelance writer. The rest are working in shops, or as drivers, or are simply unemployed and desperately searching.

So this is my fourth blog now. I'm not going to make any promises to update this regularly, but I'll keep the tab open permanently to remind myself that I have it here, so I can write about my adventures in trying to find a job.

Perhaps somebody will find it amusing, perhaps somebody will find it and offer me a job, or perhaps it'll just go as unnoticed as many blogs on the internet, forever doomed to collect virtual dust. Either way, this is my blog about being unemployed.

1 comment:

  1. I'm interested, I'm in a very similar position and have been searching online for some advice or indication of what my position should be at this point. Whats horrid for me is I've finished my degree in Illustration and don't actually know if I want a career in what I studied, I'm incredibly lost. I admire that you still wish to work towards what you studied.
